This module introduced to environmental issues and provided understanding of the complexities and influences that built environment causes to the natural environment and understandings of policies related to sustainable design and practices in order to develop awareness of local and global environmental issues and concerns and to explore the various sustainable practices and trends in built environment
The objective of this first assignment is to create an awareness of environmental concerns and to realize and understand its impact and consequences of built environment to the environment through an interactive poster
As a group of 6 students, we were asked to describe the laws and policies related to the environment and interpret cases relating to sustainability, apply the methods to achieve sustainability in building design, review of the important issues highlighted in your articles and analysis of the essence of the text in relation topic investigated using appropriate architectural and environmental terminologies and diagramming
Built Environment and Environmental Impact
Exploring local architecture or built environment (BE) responses to specific SDG goals and targets
This project allows to explore how architecture can provide the basis towards meeting several Sustainable Design Goals, and to create awareness of the 17SDG goals and specifically the goals that are associated with Built Environment/Architecture (BE/Arch) by understanding how the BE/Arch is responding to particular Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through Identifying and analysing global and local environmental concerns related to built environment and appropriate solutions for it also by Explaining how buildings can be rated as green or sustainable based on rating tools.