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ASSIGNMENT 1: Famous Architect's Building

Individually we were to conduct a case study based on a building selected of the chosen respective architect. The selection of architects and buildings can be from any particular time or age. We were to provide information on the following task; Identify the types of materials used in the building design, Characteristics of the materials, Suitability of materials for the building design and Expression of materials towards the building design.

For the submission requirement,we were required to include the findings in two A2 board presentation board which include the following requirements: Architect’s background, Building’s background ,Images of building, Architectural material, Structural materiial, Ideas and concept on material selections and we were graded based on the Board's composition and the accuracy of information. 

ASSIGNMENT 2: Construction Detailing of Building Elements

In this Group assignment we were asked to select a terrace ouse in Malaysia and we were given a material between timber and concrete & masonry. We had to produce detailed drawings of its floor, wall, door, window, staircase and roof including their plan, section and elevation views with appropriate scales of material Masonry and concrete. We were graded according to the quality of the documentation, understanding of the connection of the construction material given, symbols, dimensions, specifications, tidiness, line weights and physical model. 


This Module has been a heavy but more of a lesson and clear understanding about Building construction materials.Lectures by our tutors helped us very much to learn and differentiate between materials used for construction. Tutorial sessions included many drawings and discussions with our Tutor. Even though the module was conducted online, it was very effective and understandable. 

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