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Visual communication skills and knowledge of translating observation on a piece of paper were taught in this module. 

Activities such as tutorial sessions, lectures were held on zoom, microsoft teams, telegram and TiMES platforms. Variety of projects, in class activities and learning were included.


Lecturers, personal tutors and Module coordinator were always ready to answer our questions and were very helpful and also gave us personal assistance and comments for each and every work we were given.

Self expression, Tonal values and rending, Architecture lettering, Coloring media and scale were the tasks done in this module.


PROJECT 1:Movie Poster

A project based on creating a movie poster using our knowledge and tents we learnt in the first few weeks of this module.

WhatsApp Image 2020-10-14 at 20.50.55 (1

PROJECT 2:Farnsworth House 

Objective of this project was to develop our model making skills, balancing, line widths, scaling and drawing. This project was broken down into 4 parts;

1. Model making

2. Orthographic projections

3. Axonometric projections

4. Perspectives

PROJECT 3: Presentation Board 

Project 3-1.jpeg

Project 3 is the continuation of Project 2, where we had to make A0/A1 sized presentation board comprising all the sketches we did under project 2 presentably.

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